Colposcopy Specialist

Mojan Gabbay, MD -  - Board Certified OBGYN

Mojan Gabbay, MD

Board Certified OBGYN located in Playa Vista, Los Angeles, CA

It can feel overwhelming to receive abnormal results from a Pap smear. To further evaluate your results, board-certified OB/GYN, Mojan Gabbay, MD, offers follow-up diagnostic testing, including a colposcopy, at her office in the Playa Vista area of Los Angeles, California. Dr. Gabbay can also perform a biopsy when needed to identify conditions like cancer of the cervix or vagina. To learn more about the diagnostic benefits of a colposcopy, schedule a consultation with Mojan Gabbay, MD, online or by calling the office today.

Colposcopy Q & A

What is a colposcopy?

A colposcopy is a diagnostic procedure that allows Dr. Gabbay to closely examine your reproductive organs, especially your cervix, vulva, and vagina, for early indications of disease.

Often, a colposcopy is a follow-up test necessary after you receive abnormal results from a Pap smear, a diagnostic test to check for cervical cell changes that can indicate cervical cancer. You may also need a colposcopy to confirm:

  • Genital warts
  • Cervical inflammation
  • Precancerous cells in the vagina or vulva

Dr. Gabbay performs the colposcopy in-office and ensures you are comfortable throughout the 10-20 minute procedure.

What can I expect during a colposcopy?

During a colposcopy, you lie on an exam table and place your feet in the stirrups, just like you do for a routine pelvic exam. Dr. Gabbay inserts a special instrument known as a colposcope, which contains a magnifying lens and a light. She assesses the surrounding tissue through the lens to identify abnormal cells or other issues.

To get a clear view of your cervix, Dr. Gabbay may apply a cleansing solution to clean away mucus, which may cause some discomfort.

In the event she finds abnormal cells, Dr. Gabbay may perform a biopsy during your colposcopy, which involves taking a small sample of tissue from the area for additional testing in a medical lab.

What happens after a colposcopy?

If Dr. Gabbay finds abnormal cells that require a biopsy, she discusses with you how long it takes to get results of the medical lab testing. If she finds nothing during the colposcopy, you may not need to have any additional testing at that time.

It’s common to experience some light bleeding and discharge following your colposcopy. This should resolve within a few days. You should contact Dr. Gabbay’s office immediately if you have any pain, fever, or heavy bleeding after your procedure.

Dr. Gabbay may recommend avoiding the use of douches or tampons for several days after a colposcopy to prevent irritation or infection.

If your biopsy lab tests come back abnormal, Dr. Gabbay can determine which additional tests you need to confirm a diagnosis or how to proceed with necessary treatment for your condition.

To schedule a colposcopy following an abnormal Pap smear, contact Dr. Gabbay’s office by phone or by requesting an appointment online now.